Caitlyn (Cate) Clark
Caitlyn (Cate) Clark

My most meaningful accomplishments throughout my workout journey have been performing a pistol squat,

hip thrusting 405 pounds for reps,

taking on the stair climber for hours at a time,

completing my first Koko Crater Hike in 20 minutes,

and developing the physique I have today!


NASM CPT Pursuing a bachelors in exercise science

NASM Nutrition Certification

Personal Trainer

Caitlyn (Cate) Clark

Growing up, volleyball was my sport. I enjoyed the teammate dynamic and social support it gave me. While I loved the activity, I was not a prodigy. It took me ages to get my serve over the net, but the gratification I received once it began to go over fueled my fire. I played for my school and on a club team until my sophomore year of high school when getting a job became more of a priority. I was reluctant to leave but knew my calling was elsewhere. After losing a consistent means of activity and exercise, I partook in group spin classes until COVID hit. Following the mass quarantine, my life’s trajectory changed and fitness became my lifestyle!

Since middle school, my relationship with food had been anything but healthy. I was 13 when I first heard the phrase “thigh gap,” and man did it stick with me. I had never had a thigh gap but it was all I could fixate on. I compared myself to everyone that had one and body checked myself anytime I passed my reflection, whether that be in the bathroom mirror, a window, or the trophy case in the athletic hallway. My body image became directly associated with food. While it wasn’t dire, I would endure phases of intense cardio and healthy eating just to forfeit it all for phases of extreme indulgence and sedentariness. This went on for years, until COVID hit and the world shut down. Social media was a large aspect of my quarantine. Being isolated from the outside world meant phone time all the time, and I was constantly absorbing all of these perceived beauty standards I simply didn’t fit into. As the world went remote, I was forced to spend time with my 17 year old self and all I could think about was how dissatisfied I was with my physical image. With the gyms being closed, I cut out food. Almost entirely. In a short, four month period, I had lost 27 lbs and finally - finally, had a thigh gap. But even after putting my body through such extreme changes, my insecurities continued to grow. I became so emaciated that I realized this lifestyle could not be sustained much longer. With that in mind, I reached out to a friend who I know has been working out for years. He wrote me one leg workout and I ran with it. Three years later, I am up 42 lbs and am feeling the best I have ever felt. My increased confidence came with positive body image and, most importantly, a healthy relationship with food. My progress consisted of a great deal of trial and error but with that, I have learned so much about myself. My trials and tribulations ignited my passion for fitness, and I wish to use my knowledge to assist others in discovering this for themselves!

I am impassioned to serve those looking to embark on their own, life changing fitness journey. “Strength doesn’t come from what you can do, it comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't.” Together, we will find that strength, discover your flow, and create the best version of yourself! It is my mission to assist you in feeling comfortable and empowered in your own skin. Regardless of whether your desire is to lose weight, gain muscle, or increase your overall health, I am here to help you reach your goals!