Jerry Byler
Jerry Byler

2022 Cap-Tex Triathlon (Olympic Distance) Finisher


Pharm.D. (University of Texas at Austin)

M.S. Exercise Science (Liberty University)

B.S. Kinesiology (University of Arkansas)

Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (NSCA)

Biomechanics Specialist (NESTA)

Certified Personal Trainer (ACE)

Weight Management Specialist (ACE)

Personal Trainer

Jerry Byler

I played several sports in my youth, namely, baseball, basketball, and tennis. But around the age of 15, I left school athletics and decided to pursue music (drums) for the remainder of my time in high school. I joined the U.S. Navy immediately after high school and got into exercise more formally (running, calisthenics, etc.). My time in the military was formative in developing my motivation and personal discipline.

About 10 years ago, I wanted to see what it was like to work with a personal trainer to see if I could benefit from working with an exercise professional (not just on my own). I was immediately impressed with his exercise programming and the methods he incorporated into my workouts to manipulate exercise intensity. I wanted to learn more about how he was doing all of this, so I decided to get certified as a personal trainer. My hope was to gain insight into formal exercise techniques/methods and use this knowledge for myself and others.

One of the most important aspects of my coaching / personal training is to help "de-mystify" the gym for my clients. Often times the gym can be intimidating for those new to this environment with all of its plates, pulleys, dumbbells, and benches. I approach the gym as nothing more than a tool to be used to achieve any number of personal health goals (e.g., losing weight, building muscle, increasing energy). My primary focus is to help clients achieve their stated goals in a safe and efficient way, motivating them to build their confidence and independence in the gym. I also educate my clients to help them understand why I might organize a workout in a particular way or avoid certain types of movements on occasion. I hope to train clients that truly have a desire to make fundamental changes in their life, but also looking for other individuals who are just looking to take their training sessions to a higher level or break through training plateaus and stagnation.