Michael Wester
Michael Wester

Rugged Maniac Finisher

Pig Trail Mud Run finisher



Michael Wester

I grew up in a typical Texas home surrounded by Friday night lights and powerlifting. We moved north, and we all grew up. I went to NWTI in Springdale to become a diesel tech. As I was going through all the schooling and working, I became lazy - not with work ethic, but with mental and physical wellness - and before I knew it, I was eating Wendy’s and Taco Bell every day for almost 7 years. It definitely felt like it, too. By this time Emily and I were married. She had started tracking her food every day and I was just eating whatever she made for dinner. I saw some changes and started to feel better, but I stalled out. I felt like I needed to make a change so I began to track food and workout consistently. I grew to like the adversity and enjoyed the process of bettering myself each and every day. I began to see strength gains and became addicted to strength training and the way it made me feel. I was hooked. I have bigger goals now, like training to compete in strong-man competitions. I'm excited to see where this journey continues to take me and how I can improve myself year after year.

There are 2 things that get me up in the morning.

1. Being better than I was the day before.

2. Helping people be the best version of themselves.